S.No Title Inventors Country
(Publicatoin Date)
Filing Date

A Simple and effective method for correction of distorted Magnetotelluric data.
No. 0543NF2002

Dr.T.Harinarayana and
Dr. Chakravarthy
India 11-12-2002

A Method tailored for the pattern recognition of Magnetotelluric data for delineation of buried sediments using Artificial Neural Network System developed in Java programming environment contains graphical user interface(windows) and the problem solving paradigm
No. 0209NF206

Sri Y.N.T Seshagiri Rao and Dr.T.Harinarayana India 28-08-2006

A new method of processing magnetotelluric data using six impedance tensor elements.
No. GAD - 19/03/ April 2010

Dr.T.Harinarayana and
M. Shireesha
India 20-04-2010
Increased resolution of subsurface parameters from magnetotellric modeling with the application of new formula for apparent resistivity
No. GAD-19/01/march 2011
Dr.T.Harinarayana and
M. Shireesha
India 31-03-2011

Location based coding system implemented on a GPS Navigation
No. 201941041489, Date:14-10-2019

Dr.T.Harinarayana and
Mr. Pitambar Sai Goyal
India Filed
A Wearable device to track a Subject
No.202041019146, Date:05-05-2020
Dr.T.Harinarayana India Filed
A simplified calling system for mobile phones
No. 202041027356,Date:27-06-2020
Dr.T.Harinarayana India Filed